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Distinguished Lectures on Quantum Crystallography and Complementary Fields which will be presented on-line.
Thursday, December 14, 2023, 4:00 PM EDT
Category: Non-ACA Events

We cordially invite you to participate in next Distinguished Lectures on Quantum Crystallography and Complementary Fields which will be presented on-line.
This time we will have two lectures which will start at 4 pm CET on Dec. 14, 2023.:
Lecture 33:  Anna Krawczuk (Univ. of Gottingen, Germany) : " Dipolar group polarizability as a multipurpose tool for predicting molecular and bulk properties"
Lecture 34: Krzysztof Szalewicz (Univ. of Delaware, Newark, USA): "Reliable predictions of crystal structures entirely from quantum mechanics"

One can register at these lectures using the following web page:
You can also find abstracts and CVs of speakers at this web page. 
The lectures are free and open to everyone; these particular  lectures are expected to last ca. 35min
+ up to 15min for Q&A each. Just make sure to register.
Could you please distribute this mail among those who possibly could be interested  in such lectures.
We sincerely invite you to register and participate.

On behalf of the IUCR Quantum Crystallography Com.: Prof. Paulina Dominiak – Com. Chair
On behalf ECA SIG2 on Quantum Crystallography: Prof. Krzysztof Woźniak – SIG2 Rep.