Welcome to the ACA SIG Resource Page!  

Bookmark this page and use it as a way to navigate to pages and resources for SIG leadership and members.  Scientific Interest Groups (SIGs) are a vital part of the ACA. There are various SIGs that each represent a particular discipline within the field of structural science, allowing members to focus on their area of specialty while retaining access to interaction with the entire range of crystallographic techniques and applications. Any member may join however many SIGs they wish. There are no additional fee association with SIG membership.


SIGs Generally

ACA Special Interest Groups (SIGs) play a crucial role in fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among members with similar interests. These groups focus on specific topics or techniques within structural science, providing a platform for researchers to discuss recent advancements, exchange ideas, and form collaborations.

SIGs typically organize sessions, workshops, and occasionally social events during the conference. They also serve as a resource for members throughout the year, facilitating communication and networking within the membership.  Each SIG has its own leadership and structure, and members often participate in multiple SIGs based on their research interests.

SIG Leadership List 

SIGs are responsible for defining the program at annual meetings. Each SIG is charges with organizing at least one half-day session every year. This is a great opportunity for members to get involved in the ACA at a grass roots level and have a direct impact upon the annual meeting.

Scientific Interest Groups represent the social networking within the ACA designed to:

  • Encourage stimulating scientific exchange
  • Promote collaboration within specific areas of focus throughout the crystallographic community
  • Provide opportunities to involve new, current and retired members in the organization


SIG Chair Responsibilities

Leadership in a SIG involves both administrative and strategic responsibilities aimed at advancing the interests of the group and its members.  

  • Schedule and host SIG meeting to discuss issues relevant to the SIG and to develop ideas for the next year’s meeting.
  • Select Etter Awards from submitted abstracts.
  • Prepare SIG annual report for submission to ACA Council at a luncheon meeting scheduled during the annual meeting.
  • Bring the results of SIG discussions and status of the SIG at a luncheon meeting scheduled during the annual meeting.
  • Identify people to serve as Session Chairs for the next year’s meeting program. 
  • Attend the Friday Planning Meeting to represent the SIG in development of the next year’s meeting program.  Please note that one representative from SIG leadership needs to be in attendance and the ACA will reimburse one person for one additional night in the conference hotel in order to secure their attendance at the planning meeting.  
  • Send ACA HQ the list of nominees for the Fall election.
  • Workshop Proposals need to be submitted by September 1st!  
  • Encourage engagement with the election.  
  • Prepare a report of scientific highlights of the year to go to the ACA Council by December 1st for review and inclusion in the Spring issue of RefleXions and for posting on the ACA website.


Chair & Chair Elect Responsibilities

The main responsibility of a SIG chair is proposing sessions for the following year's ACA meeting on the topics the community is interested in.  This is done through an online SIG meeting that is usually held several weeks before the ACA annual meeting. The past SIG chairs, current chairs, the chairs-elect and the ACA officers will attend the SIG meeting. The current SIG chairs will lead the discussion and finalize the session proposal in a meeting report. On the last day of the ACA annual meeting, there will be a planning meeting to finalize the sessions and schedule for the next year's ACA meeting. At least one of the three current SIG chairs should be present during the planning meeting. Before the ACA planning meeting, each of the proposed sessions should have at least one confirmed session chair. It is even better to have two session chairs confirmed. The current SIG chairs are eventually responsible for recruiting session chairs, but the past SIG chairs and the chairs-elect can help in this process. The current SIG chairs are also responsible for nominating candidates for the SIG chairs-elect for the year after next year. The deadline for this is usually a couple of months after the ACA annual meeting.

As a chair-elect, you first job is to attend next year's SIG meeting, where you will contribute to the discussion of session proposals and suggestion of session chairs. In the following year, you will be the one leading the SIG meeting and writing the report including session proposals, together with the other two SIG chairs in the MNP SIG group. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the current chair of your SIG.


Annual Meeting of the SIG

Annual meetings for all Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are mandatory, except for the Fiber SIG (which meets every two years). These meetings are typically conducted over Zoom in June, preceding the main annual conference. To facilitate the planning process, the Small Angle Scattering SIG has prepared a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation outlining a sample agenda for these meetings.  


Member Directory

For security purposes the ACA no longer publishes email addresses but if you would like to find the contact information for a member we suggest using the ACA Member Directory to find their contact information.  You are welcome to utilize the member directory at your convenience to search by SIG and ascertain the number of subscribed members.  Please note that you must be an active ACA member and logged into your account in order to use the directory.  

Member Directory


SIG Homepages & Forums

The ACA has set up some resources and tools for the SIGs to take advantage of to communicate and interact with members.  Please note that you must be an active ACA member and logged into your account in order to use the forums.  


Best Practices for Data Analysis & Archiving SIG


Biological Macromolecules SIG

Canadian Division

Fiber SIG
General Interest SIG
Industrial SIG
Light Sources SIG
Materials SIG



Neutron Scattering SIG


Powder Diffraction SIG


Small Angle Scattering SIG


Service SIG

Small Molecules SIG

US National Division


Young Scientist Interest Group (YSIG)



Career Resources

The ACA job board is a dedicated platform tailored to the needs of crystallographers worldwide. It serves as a central hub for job seekers and employers in the field, offering a wide range of career opportunities in academia, industry, and research institutions. The board features diverse listings, including positions for postdoctoral researchers, faculty members, laboratory technicians, and industry professionals. Job seekers can explore openings based on their expertise and career level.  We encourage SIG officers to direct those with open positions in structural science related job opportunities to contact ACA HQ so that we can include the listing on the board.  



The ACA has a calendar and offers free listings to our members for structural science related events.  If you have a session, workshop or conference that you think ACA members would be interested in, please forward to ACA HQ to include on the event calendar.  


Leadership Support 

Leadership is available to support and advise the SIGs.  Please feel free to reach out at any time.  


HQ Contacts

HQ is here to assist you with anything ACA or SIG related.  Please feel free to reach out at any time.  

Executive Director Kristin Stevens ([email protected])
Membership Coordinator Kristina Vitale ([email protected])